Local Seach Optimization Services

Our SEO will 10x Your Business

We focus on quality work that increases your revenue

Our Toronto SEO Company Delivers Amazing Results!

We have grown small business to multi million companies. The success came from the digital marketing strategy we applied and the 1st page rankings.  To rank now in Google it requires a content strategy that is amazing, and an SEO strategy that is effective for years to come. That's what we do here at SEOAdviSe.


Here's a list of some of the things will do for your business

Title tags

Having a very well optimized title tags are extremely important. This will tell Google what your company want's to rank for. Title tags should be naturally optimized and they should never sound spammy, if they do our expert's advice you to change it. For all of our clients, we do an in depth research about the keywords and your competitors titles. After all the analyzation we than optimize the title tag accordingly. Let's look at an example, our page is optimized for all terms related to Toronto city. Our title tag contains one of the main keywords and there are a few mentionings in the content of our keywords here. Not necessarily the exact but natural. 

Title Description

Title description should always be very well optimized as this is something the users of Google use and decide if they wish to click on your website. The description should be creative and optimized. Our SEO company always creates descriptions that are creative and get's the most amount of clicks from Google. Infact, for one of our clients, we have improved their click through rate by 40% simply beacuse we have change the description and title. Also, your description should contain a natural secondary keyword you are targeting for your business. That way you will be able to rank on all of the keywords with the SEO service our agency provides.

URL structure

When it comes to SEO, you have to make sure that the url structure is free of any errors. For example, our Toronto page, has 0 errors. Not only that, our whole website domain has 0 errors as well. This is something that many companies ignore but it shouldn't be left out. What Google wants from your website is to provide the best user experience, and that includes no errors. All of you errors can be found in webmaster tools under errors section. It's best if you have a search engine optimization company handling this as it requires a bigger knowledge of website coding. SEOAdviSe, does all that for all of our clients. 

Images Optimization

So many SEO services providers skip this step, but we here at SEOAdviSe don't. Image optimization is very important when it comes to ranking. You want all of your pages to be very well optimized and that includes images. What we want is to make sure we gain all of the points from Google. Every point that we gain only will put you company's website higher in search results. Let's look at an example, if your competitor has all the images optimize and you don't, you make be ranking lower. One of those reasons may be because you don't have the image optimized for the terms you are targeting and he does. That's why we optimize all of our client's images so that they can rank not only on first page but rank the 1st.

Website Content

Is your content less than 500 words? If the answer is yes, will need to add more content to that page and have it better optimized. Having over 1,000+ words on your page will only help you rank faster, and higher in search engines. To have the best online marketing exposure locally you need to provide a useful information to users of Google. SEOAdvise, experts have years of experience in content marketing and writing. You should always have an professional write the content that knows what search engine optimization is and how keywords should be distributed in the content section. 

www re-direct

Many of our new clients don't know about the redirects but this small and easy fix can hurt your rankings. Every time our SEO agency does an SEO audit of your website we make sure that your website redirects correctly. What you want to make sure is that which ever phrase you use to type in browser it redirects to the same www or non-www version (whichever you pick). Having said that, let's look at our SEO company Toronto page. Type in browser seoadvise.com, what you should notice is that it redirects the page to a https://www.seoadvise.com version. This is beacuse we choose to have the www version. Now go ahead and check your website. Does it redirect correctly? If not, no worries our SEO company will fix it for you.

Local business listings

Are your local listings constant on all of the local business listing websites? Google is very strict about having the same address and phone number on all of the local listing websites such as: Yahoo, Google, Bing, Yelp and many other. During our audit of your website, our SEO consultant check and analyze all of your local listings to make sure that it stays consistent. We are your internet marketing agency that want to see you succeed. Your business goals are ours, if you have any questions on how we can help your company simply email is at [email protected] or give us a call. 

Local Reviews

Every business should have goals for their business. One of these goals is to gain positive reviews for your business. This is something that many owners ignore but from our case studies, having reviews can increase your traffic by more than 80%. Sometimes it can double the revenue! Yes, it's crazy but still so many owners push this aside. Those who don't see a huge success especially with our SEO service. 

Mobile friendly website

Mobile friendly website is part of the algorithm Google uses to rank you. If your website is still not mobile friendly optimized you have to make it. Our SEO agency can do that for you as well. During the analysis we check if your website is mobile friendly or not. Here's a reason why you should have it. Google now has more than 50% of it's users searching on mobile devices. If your website is not optimized for all mobiles, you will not be providing a great user experience and this is what Google cares the most. Part of the reason why all of our clients are ranking in top 3 position on mobile devices is beacuse their websites are mobile friendly. 

Social Media

Every business in all industries should have a Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many other social media accounts. This only tells Google that you are a real business. During the analysis we check how many social accounts your business have, and if any are missing we create them. We can also manage all of your social media accounts by updating them with useful information. 

Link Building Signs

The links that are pointing to your page will determine where on Google you will be ranking. See, our SEO services that we provide builds trust with Google by linking from very highly trusted websites such as Huffington Post, Forbes and many more. Our company develops a content and SEO strategy that will help you rank higher on all of the search engines. For every client we develop a custom SEO strategy that will put your business in front of customers. You can learn more by contacting us here.

Why Us?

Our company provides the best seo in Toronto. You probably found us by searching locally, not only that, we are ranking on so many other cities! For example a quick search on Google for terms like: Houston SEO, Denver SEO and many others. You will find our company ranking very highly on Google. We can get your website to the first page with the right search engine marketing strategy.


Increase in online transactions


Revenue increase


Increase in organic traffic


Increase in mobile traffic

Powerful Link Building Services in Toronto

If you are looking for the best SEO company we are that agency! We don't bluff, our strategy is very effective. Some of the keywords we have ranked highly on Google nationally are: Car brands (which gets over 60,500 searches a month!) This is just one example keyword of our client. Give us a call or contact us today to learn how our SEO service can help your business. 

Is your business lacking the online exposure? Our content marketing strategy is very effective and can 10x your business in a very short time! We have grown many business from growed up to over million in revenue! SEO does, work and we can help you achive the 1st page ranking. 

Quality Link Services

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Our service will help you grow your business by focusing on revenue 

Our SEO experts are ready to provide a free consultation for your business. Let us know how we can help you. 


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